Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The support group that wasn't and retail therapy

I have been trying harder to make it to support groups and tonight was no exception. This evening was the emotional support group- I've been once before and thought I really need to go tonight. I called this morning to confirm that it was in fact tonight and that time and planned my day accordingly. I had to arrange for my mother in law to watch the kids because my meeting would overlap with the hubs meeting. Got the kids dropped off and drove though rush hour traffic just in time to get there to find the meeting had been canceled! Really?!?!? It would have been nice to know this before I left the house. I mean seriously they have a FB account, they could have posted something about it there.
In an attempt to wait out the traffic situation I headed to the mall; the doctors office is in the same parking lot so it wasn't really out of my way. I walked though originally looking for Fredrick's of Hollywood but got sidetracked at JCP. I ended up trying on at least 20 dresses... I am not a real dress person- always felt huge in them but I was feeling pretty good and liked half of them but settled on one. I may actually get a picture of myself in it and let ya'll get a peek.  my husband is laughing at me because I am getting slightly obsessed with dresses... in his defense I was online shopping/browsing for dresses when he went to bed and had 5 different store windows up.
On the exercise front I actually worked a bit last night with my weights and then on the treadmill today. The kids are at their nana's tonight so I will get to sleep in and then will get my well rested rump on the treadmill again.
Well that's all for now. Hope your having a great day. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Deirdre! Thank you for spreading love on my blog! You are a sweetheart and soul/cyst sister - yes, mine are the same as yours! I also have liver disease too. I am not able to reply to comments on my blog right now (working on getting it corrected), so that is why I am commenting here. :)

    That sucks that your support group was cancelled but I am so happy you got some retail therapy in. You know, I am the same with dresses? Occasionally I have found one but very rarely. I'm glad to hear you lucked out!

    Congrats on the exercise too!! Every little bit helps.

    I really like your blog! xo

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog : ) And for the good advice : ) Sorry about the support group getting cancelled. I don't go to meetings at all. I went to the first one after my surgery over a year ago and the people weren't very friendly so I never went back. It may be an entirely different group by now, who knows. But that's why I've started blogging, thought this would be a much better "support group". Hope you enjoyed sleeping in : )
