Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday motivation

I don't know why I fight myself to workout because when I'm done I feel great.
Last week I was beyond lazy but I still saw the scale going down- I guess this whole cutting down on what and how much I eat is a good thing but adding movement really makes the scale move.
My plan for Saturday was to get to the rec center and get my sweat on but the princess woke me up at 5am and that left me in a massively sour mood and I decided that I would rather nap most of the day... so I did. But Sunday I got off my but and moved- I did 70 mins on the tread mill and burned 420 calories then we went to a buffet for dinner- I tasted everything but didn't go overboard- until I went to the desert area and the damn bread pudding yelled at me and then I got stuck.... ugh and of course the bathroom seemed miles away. So to help with damage control from the buffet I got back on the treadmill and did another hour (even did some running) and burned 450ish calories followed by arms and ab work and stretching. I'm a little sore this morning but nothing I can't deal with. Today will be a day of cleaning and then on the tread mill to get a real sweat going.

Hope you're off to a great start to a new week. Thanks for stopping by. 

1 comment:

  1. It's important when you start recognizing "Hey! That wasn't really I'm going to do something about it!" Good for you!
