What is it about weekends that turns me into a starving sloth? I eat my meal and then think to myself I didn't eat near enough that I should have knowing that I have and I go back for more or worse I graze. I don't keep a lot of crap in the house and what little I do is for the kids and not appealing to me at all but I do have a collection of fiber one brownie bars, skinny cow candy/ice cream and the weight watchers ice cream... I figure if I am going to snack I want something tasty and not too horrible...well it tends to be horrible when you keep reaching into the box to get another brownie or ice cream. And the fact that I slack off on getting my sweat on (unless you count my recent hot flashes). I need to get out of this rut and do something on the weekends, well everyday to keep me busy and out of the kitchen. I know I'm not hunrgy I'm bored and instead of getting creative and doing something I eat.
What do you do to keep from eating? I know I can not be the only one out there that goes through this.
well thats all for now- I am really hoping that my grazing doesn't tilt the scale in the other direction, I guess I will have to wait until Tuesday to find out.
Thanks for reading- hope you had a great and productive weekend.
You are definatly not the only one out there! I find that if I am tired I tend to eat and graze. I have been trying to make it a habit on the weekends of getting out of bed and going straight to my workout for the day. Whether it be the C25K outside, or on the treadmill or using the elliptical, or the Wii. This seems to help me feel energized and I eat less and graze less! I totally understand where your at. I have to remind myself that it is ok to eat the bad stuff, but in moderation. Maybe take one and put it away. Out of site out of mind! Hang in there and keep up the good work.